(a) I, Kevin Salazar, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
(b) In my independent component I was allowed to help out with servicing the customers who come to Kore skate shop on the weekends.
In my 38 hours of my Independent Component I was able to get the feel of pressure because during the week Kore skate shop only gets 2-3 customers at the same time but during the weekend we have about 5-6 customers come at a time so this gave me experience on how to react to the pressure.
This experience helped me with learning how to treat each customer in order to show them they are important to the skate shop. The most important part to do with a customer is understand them before you try selling to them because all customers are different some have less knowledge in brands and others are easier because they know what they are purchasing. This helped me understand how to explain the product to the customer in a way to let them know that Kore carries good products.