About the Project

Name: Kevin S
Topic: Skate Shop
E.Q.: What is most important to managing a successful skate shop?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions

  1. How do i choose accounts? 
  2. What does business mean to you?
  3. How much time do you take to make decisions?
  4. Do you do any research before you make a decision?
  5. How much effort do you need to sell a product?
  6. What is the most important thing to focus on for business?
  7. How important is it to understand your market and why?
  8. When should you put items on sale?
  9. How much inventory do you buy?
  10. How often do you clean the store?
  11. How many customers do you expect per day?
  12. How much profit does the store expect to make a day?
  13. Why is it important to be educated about every product?
  14. How does kore skate shop manage all of the different stores?
  15. If the stores servers go down how are sales done?
  16. How often should inventory be checked?
  17. In what ways can a store be considered successful?
  18. When being a manager what should you focus on in order to beat competition?
  19. What does a stores main focus need to be?
  20. What are some skills needed in order o become a great manager?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Independent Component 2 Plan Approval

 (1) Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.
I plan on enrolling into a business class in the city of pomona. 
(2) Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement.
I think that the class will be more that 30 hours. 
(3) How does your independent study component relate to your EQ?   
This class will relate to my EQ because i need to understand business in order to make a business successful.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Independent component 1

I, Kevin Salazar, affirm that i completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work. 
I worked at a place called rated athletics were they design and print shirts. I learned the different types of printing along with some things in design.
Im having the guy i worked with sign off a justification form to prove that i did the 30 hours with him. And i will be posting a calendar showing the days i went.
This helped with my EQ because i learned some design and printing techniques and a lot of successful skate shops like active, kings, and even kore have there own shirts and sweaters. This would help to make a skate shop more successful  because it would give them more money and more income apart from the stuff there selling. Thats Why i think some skate shops like active are so successful.

Jan Log 
Feb Log